Writing and Hopping



A very talented writer friend recently asked me to participate in a blog hop. I had to ask for clarity as I had no idea that hopping had anything to do with writing. I also never understood why they called school dances, sock hops. And, then of course there’s car hops and barley and hops. A blog hop is a way to share our blogs and get our words out there to more people. Personally, I’ve never been very concerned with numbers or how many people are reading my blog or following me. I don’t tweet and I don’t do instagram, so my blogs and my morning Facebook posts are the only measure I consider.

The theme of this particular blog hop is a favorite subject of mine: writing. We were all asked the same four questions and you’ll find my answers below. We were also asked to get others to participate, but I’m afraid my writer friends are all either incredibly busy or incredibly shy. I am including a link to my friend, Ella’s words. She’s the free spirited and courageous woman that invited me along for this hop. Please take a minute to visit her Facebook page and peruse her wise words. 


What am I working on/writing?


There is not a day in my life that passes that I don’t write something. I start most mornings with my signature “happy crappy” post on Facebook. It’s a way to start off my day connecting with my fellow humans and sharing a piece of my life. I talk about the weather, the current crisis or dilemma and while it’s not always positive, it is always truthful. I recently had a friend tell me that there’s a world of difference between writing a daily little diddy on Facebook and writing a best selling novel. I don’t disagree, but that little post allows my spirit to be calmed or encouraged or applauded on a daily basis. I connect with my friends, with my readers, and I do it with nothing but the mundane moments of my life. On a side note, I am currently working on two separate fictional novels and am doing research to start my first non-fiction book. I recently documented my first ever trip to New York and every word written was a labor of love.


How does my work/writing differ from others of its genre?

 I write in a unique style that is hard to group into a genre. If I had to name one, I would say spiritual or self help. The genre should really be classified as honest to God, down and dirty, in your face, reality. I write about life. My life, ant’s lives, our ancestor’s lives, spiritual lives, doesn’t matter. If it has to do with life, I’m willing to document every sight, sound, taste and feeling that I possibly can. Some of my writing is nothing more than self drivel, but I have come to realize that to share myself is the most true and honest thing I’ve ever done. 


Why do I write what I do?

Because I want to change the world. One of my favorite movies is a late 80’s movie starring Demi Moore called The Seventh Sign. Near the end of the movie, there’s a line about recording what you’ve seen so that the world never looses hope again. I don’t expect that my ramblings will stop the violence in our streets or end the wars that seem to be endless. But, if I can give one person a tiny piece of my heart or have them see and hear the sounds of New York city, or make them feel as though they are not alone, I’ve changed the world. I believe that words have great power and I want to use my words to spread love, tolerance, understanding and peace. 


How does my writing process work?

Before I can tell you where the words come from, I have to explain how I first learned the words. When I was three years old, I started having very vivid dreams each night. I dreamed in full color with auditory capability and the dreams were more real than the reality of my abusive childhood. I attended school each night replete with a desk and a pencil and I had different teachers depending on what I was learning. In these dreams, I learned the letters of the alphabet. I learned how to put the letters together to form words. One night, I learned the most amazing thing of all. I learned that you could put the words together in a certain way as to convey your thoughts, your feelings, your heart. I was three. Oh, and the teachers? All had incredibly large feathered wings. So, I’ve always believed that I was taught how to share my words by my guardian angels. 

My writing process is pretty straight forward. I sit at the keyboard, poise my fingers above the keys and clear my mind. I take a deep breath and let the words out. Writing feels exactly like breathing. Take a deep breath in, let all the words out. Take a deep breath in, let all the words out. They always come. Once I decide the theme or the subject, I relax and just let the words flow. I’ve tried to describe the writing process to friends that don’t write and the closest I can come to describing the experience is, magical. When the timing is right, when the idea is there, there’s no other feeling like it in all the world. All I can do is hold tight to the reins and enjoy the ride. For example, the two books that I’m currently working on? I have no idea how they will end or where the story will take the reader. I’m only the vessel, not the creator. That has always been a most humbling thought, but I told you, I believe in writing from the heart. 


If you would like to read more of my chatter, please visit my Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/summer.watson.79

I’ve also recently started a traveling and entertainment blog which you can find right here on wordpress: http://goodtimesandlaughter.wordpress.com/


And now to introduce you to the wonderful soul that asked me to participate:


My name is Ella and I am an artist, a single mom of 2 amazing kids, and a survivor of domestic violence. I started the Rebel Thriver Blog as a way to connect to others and share my story. Being labeled a survivor wasn’t comfortable for me; I needed more. And I desperately wanted others to see that they could have it too…that you can choose to thrive in spite of your situation. Facebook followed and has allowed Rebel Thriver to grow into an online community. The support, love, honesty, and inspiration is alive in abundance on our page.

We only get one chance at this sweet life, so I encourage everyone to wake up and live. You may have been knocked down, but that story does not have to define you, for you hold the pen to the story of your life. Raise your eyes to the sky, throw your shoulders back, put on your imaginary crown and say, “Today is the first day of the rest of my life”.  Make it count.

Love, Ella
(p.s.: you can also follow Ella at her Rebel Thriver Twitter page.)
To read Ella’s post on writing is click here.


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